f_filmsBack Slepa Pega, SI 2002

Blind Spot


Young man Gladki escapes from the hospital. Lupa receives his phone call of distress and runs to help. She finds him unconscious and decides to get him off heroin. In order to achieve her goal she has his legs plastered in cast and imprisons him in a rented room. As their relationship slowly improves and old memories overtake, Lupa struggles to make their existence in the isolated room possible. She does all she can to keep the outside world apart, rejecting any help from friends and relying on her own skills. Although she believes she can overcome any obstacle and outsmart any opponent, the world outside the room seems to be getting more and more hostile and frightening. To prevent anyone from finding them and taking Gladki back to the hospital, away from her, she scarcely goes out and when she does it is mainly by night. Slowly she gets tangled in a dependant relationship with a suspicious drug dealer who provides her with methadone for Gladki. She keeps her problems a secret from Gladki, hoping that he is getting better and all her efforts will eventually pay off. As their relationship evolves, many reasons come to light for her deep devotion to Gladki. For a while it seems she will be able to rescue him not only from drug addiction but also from the deepest of his fears. But as the past reveals itself horrible secrets come to light that may destroy any dreams she has for their future.

Credits & Daten

Regie / Directed by / Réalisation
Hanna A.W. Slak

Drehbuch / Screenplay / Scénario
Hanna A.W. Slak

Kamera / Camera / Image
Karina Maria Kleszczewska

Bauten / Art direction / Décors
Marko Japelj

Kostüme / Costume design / Costumes
Sabina Buzdon

Schnitt / Editing / Montage
Hanna A.W. Slak

Ton / Sound / Son
Hanna Preuss

Darsteller / Cast / Interprétation
Manca Dorrer (Lupa), Kolja Saksida (Gladki)

Produktionsfirma / Production / Production
Bindweed Soundvision

Uraufführung / First release / Premiere
08.2002 Locarno: IFF

Filmformat / Format / Format
35mm, 1:1,85; Ton, Farbe

Länge / Length / Durée
87 min.

Genre / Genre / Genre

Filmart / Type / Genre

Information / Data Source / Source d'Information

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