f_filmsBack Die Hard, RU 1997


A Russian parody on the action movie Die Hard and its star Bruce Willis. The film was a pilot for a project of tv-series consisting of parodies on action films like Terminator 2, Nightmare on Elm Street, Indiana Jones. The serial was not realized.

Credits & Daten

Regie / Directed by / Réalisation
Ekaterina Krouglova, Konstantin Bronsit

Drehbuch / Screenplay / Scénario
Ekaterina Krouglova

Bauten / Art direction / Décors
Konstantin Bronsit, Jean Suleimanow

Musik / Music / Musique
Wladimir Golounin

Verleih / Distribution / Distribution
Midi Cinema (Rußland)

Festival-Aufführung / Festival screening / Projection festival
1999 Dortmund: femme totale

Filmformat / Format / Format
Beta SP; Ton, Farbe

Länge / Length / Durée
2 min.

Filmart / Type / Genre

Information / Data Source / Source d'Information
Filmfestival femme totale, Dortmund

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