f_filmsBack Marie, BE 1997


A priest, in his church, feels less and less protected from the temptations of the demonical world surrounding him.

Credits & Daten

Regie / Directed by / Réalisation
Corinne Kuyl

Drehbuch / Screenplay / Scénario
Corinne Kuyl

Kamera / Camera / Image
Corinne Kuyl

Schnitt / Editing / Montage
Valerie Leroy

Ton / Sound / Son
P. Van Leer, Valerie Leroy

Produktionsfirma / Production / Production
Atelier de Prod. De La Cambre

Festival-Aufführung / Festival screening / Projection festival
1998 Köln: Feminale

Festival-Aufführung / Festival screening / Projection festival
1999 Dortmund: femme totale

Filmformat / Format / Format
16mm; Ton, Farbe

Länge / Length / Durée
8 min.

Filmart / Type / Genre

Information / Data Source / Source d'Information
Filmfestival femme totale, Dortmund

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