the summer of 1807, Clemens Brentano the German Romantic
writer stumbles into the most extreme love affair of his
life. The woman who throws herself at him with terrible force
is called Augusta Bussmann. Brentano is fascinated by both her decisiveness
and unusual personality. However, Brentanos sister Bettina
thinks that Augusta is a rather dreadful person whilst Banker Bethmann
advises Brentano (whom he considers a bit soft in the head anyway)
to go on a long journey and let the flames of Augustas passion
ebb. But Augusta, her bundle of belongings packed, simply gets into
the coach as well and, with Brentano completely taken by surprise,
the two travel to his brother-in-law, Carl Jordis, in Kassel. The
Bethmann and Brentano families are of course outraged. Augusta is
disowned by her mother, Bethmann declares her dead and
an anti-Brentano announcement appears in Das Frankfurter Wochenblatt
(The Frankfurt Weekly News).
Though the scandal reverberates through Germany, it is a scandalous
adventure that eventually leads to Brentanos second marriage,
a marriage that then develops into a fight to the finish! Augusta
is determined to make of daily life what the Romantics proclaim
in their poetry and novels. She is not prepared to accept that there
is a permanent gulf between love and literature, art and life, utopia
and the everyday of bourgeois life.
Janina Sachau, the actor who plays Augusta, said of her role that
Augusta is a figure close to my heart: she has a high degree
of emotionality, yes, but she also embodies love, wrath, obduracy,
tenderness and regret. She is impetuous and emancipated and wants
to live her life as a woman as she wants to live it and not according
to the dictates of convention. But there lie the seeds of conflict
that will lead
to her tragic end the yearning for death which people who
live their feelings to the full seem to have.
The film was awarded the Hesse Film Prize of 1998.
Credits & Daten
Regie / Directed by / Réalisation Dagmar Knöpfel
Regie-Assistenz / Assistant director / Assistant réalisateur Margit Ruile
Drehbuch / Screenplay / Scénario Dagmar Knöpfel, Hans Magnus Enzensberger (Treatment)
Kamera / Camera / Image Igor Luther, Stanislav Dorsik, Jaroslav Betka
Bauten / Art direction / Décors Silke Buhr (Szenenbild), Anette Ingerl
Kostüme / Costume design / Costumes Brigitta Lohrer, Tatjana Krauskopf
Schnitt / Editing / Montage Edith Eisenstecken
Ton / Sound / Son William Franck, Anton Vetter
Musik / Music / Musique Joschi Schumann
Darsteller / Cast / Interprétation Sylvester Groth (Clemens Brentano), Janina Sachau (Auguste Bußmann), Jeanette Hain (Bettina Brentano, spätere von Arnim), Felix von Manteuffel (Simon Moritz Bethmann), Anian Zollner (Achim von Arnim), Edgar Selge (Friedrich Karl von Savigny), Renée Dumont (Jakob Grimm), Max Urlacher (Wilhelm Grimm), Jan Gregor Kremp (Karl Jordis), Stefan Witschi (Georg Brentano), Marie Munz (Lulu Brentano), Klaus Händl (Heinrich Mannel), Michael König (Pfarrer Mannel), Eva Maria Bayerwaltes (Frau Mannel), Jörg Hube (Oberster Richter), Richard Beek (Eremit), Helen Delon (Marie Bußmann), Marjolaine Schulz (Friederike Mannel), Marie Bardischewski (Wirtin), Christian Buse (Arzt), Jürgen Hartmann (Priester)
Produktionsfirma / Production / Production Dagmar Knöpfel Filmproduktion, Cinecas Filmproduktion GmbH, Das Werk, Arte G.E.I.E., Hessischer Rundfunk (HR), Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)
Produzent / Producer / Producteur Dagmar Knöpfel, Horst Knechtel, Joachim Sturmes, Thomas Tannenberger, Stefan Jonas, Jürgen Biefang, Dietmar Schings, Benigna von Keyserlingk, Joachim von Mengershausen, Dieter Horres
Produktionsleitung / Production Manager / Directeur de production Gilbert Möhler
Verleih / Distribution / Distribution TiMe Filmverleih GmbH
Uraufführung / First release / Premiere 28.11.1998 Frankfurt am Main: Filmschau
Kino-Start / Opening / Sortie en salle 18.03.1999
Filmformat / Format / Format 35mm, 1:1,66; Ton, Farbe
Länge / Length / Durée 100 min. (2733 m.)
FSK-Prüfung / Certificate / Classification 08.02.1999 81500 ab 12 Jahre feiertagsfrei
Auszeichnungen / Awards / Prix Hessischer Filmpreis 1998: Spielfilmpreis
Filmart / Type / Genre Spielfilm
Information / Data Source / Source d'Information DIF