f_filmsBack Cosmos, GB 1998


The video is shot in a scale model of a parking garage. The camera is driven around on a radio control car. The garage looks like an ice cave out of a fairy tale. While the camera moves through the frozen crypts, one can hear a bizarre story. An employee from inter date, a dating agency in Moscow, talks about the contact between a Russian woman, Sasha, and an American gallery owner. In the letters they wrote each other the woman pretended to be an artist. Impressed with the installations she describes, he decides to fly out to Moscow to meet her.

Credits & Daten

Regie / Directed by / Réalisation
Saskia Wolbers

Kamera / Camera / Image
Saskia Wolbers

Festival-Aufführung / Festival screening / Projection festival
1999 Dortmund: femme totale

Filmformat / Format / Format
Video; Ton, Farbe

Länge / Length / Durée
5 min.

Filmart / Type / Genre

Information / Data Source / Source d'Information
Filmfestival femme totale, Dortmund

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