f_filmsBack And Then the Dog Came Over..., US 1998


The film explores the transition toward sensuality and self awareness that occurs in a young woman's life when she is forced to take care of a friend's dog for a week.

Credits & Daten

Regie / Directed by / Réalisation
Rebekah Sitty

Drehbuch / Screenplay / Scénario
Rebekah Sitty

Kamera / Camera / Image
Sophie Constantino

Schnitt / Editing / Montage
Laurie Schmidt

Ton / Sound / Son
Elise Hurwitz

Darsteller / Cast / Interprétation
Rosie Shirvani, Armando Du Bon

Produktionsfirma / Production / Production
Rebekah Sitty/Shelter Productions

Produzent / Producer / Producteur
Rebekah Sitty

Filmformat / Format / Format
16 mmFarbe

Filmart / Type / Genre

Information / Data Source / Source d'Information
Filmfestival Feminale, Köln 1998

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