f_films and its partners
The Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF and the European Coordination of Film Festivals | Working Group Women and Film have joined forces to create a film database for the archiving and presentation of work by women in the world of film production.

With the engagement of the women's film festivals in Europe - who will provide the films of their recent festivals - the database will increase continuously. Since the DIF has the necessary competence and capacity for research and data management, the project was located here.

This combination of professional partners ensures the database's continuous expansion

The Women's Film Festivals supporting the database:
Festival de Films de Femmes, F-Créteil (
Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones, E-Barcelona (
Festival Internazionale Cinema Delle Donne - In viaggio con noi (
Feminale, D-Cologne (
femme totale, D-Dortmund (
Immaginaria, I-Bologna (
Flying Broom, TR-Ankara (
Laboratorio Immagine Donna, I-Firenze (
Tricky Women, A-Vienna (

The development of this project was kindly supported by
- European Cultural Foundation (NL-Amsterdam)
- Ministery of Culture of North-Rhine Westphalia (Germany)
- City of Frankfurt Magistrat (D-Frankfurt am Main)
- and the City of Dortmund|Kulturbüro (D-Dortmund).

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